Exploring your challenges and solutions through strengthening soft skills.
The context and our claim:
In a highly competitive world, where business leaders are admired for their success and power, which are an image for many to follow, it is difficult for us to think that a large part of them behind their titles and responsibilities experience a high emotional charge and a unique feeling of isolation. They, considered powerful and successful figures, face a hidden reality: The Loneliness of the Leader.
We will develop several installments on our blog, describing and exploring the situation of loneliness experienced by CEO's or first-level managers, the possible causes behind it and we will offer some proposals on how to deal with said loneliness, supporting ourselves with techniques and methodologies that we have studied and lived which we consider to have been effective (our experience alongside various CEO's).
In short, our goal is to offer insights that make it easier for top-level leaders to develop authentic connections that empower them to strengthen their leadership.
The situation:
The loneliness of top managers is a common but often overlooked reality. They are in a special situation, as they are responsible for making crucial strategic decisions as well as leading an often large and diverse executive team. These two situations can at times sound antagonistic or appear to be in conflict. Additionally, as they assume responsibility for decision-making, they also assume the burden of feeling isolated and distant from their colleagues and employees.
Loneliness manifests itself in different ways for every manager, but some common signs include a sense of lack of emotional support, the need to maintain a strong image, and difficulty finding someone to share your challenges and concerns with. This loneliness can affect your well-being and performance at work.
The loneliness of top managers is a real challenge, but the good news is that there are solutions based on soft skills.
Possible Causes:
There are several reasons why top managers experience loneliness. Some of the most common causes are:
a) Isolation from responsibility and pressure: CEOs or top managers often have to make crucial strategic decisions for their organizations that are difficult to implement because they can have a significant impact on the organization and his staff. This responsibility can create an overwhelming feeling of isolation, as they are not always able to share their concerns and doubts with others (team members or colleagues), especially if they fear that it may affect the morale or confidence of their team.
b) Lack of support network: As you move up the business hierarchy, it is less common to find colleagues with whom you share similar experiences and challenges on a professional level. This can lead to a feeling of isolation and difficulty finding mentors, coaches, or people with whom to share your experience and connect on a professional level; many lack or find it difficult to find a support group.
c) Expectations and external pressures: CEOs and top managers are under constant public attention and scrutiny. Often, they must present an image of confidence and success, which can make it difficult to express their concerns and vulnerabilities. The need to maintain a strong image can increase their feeling or sense of loneliness, as they do not feel comfortable sharing their challenges with outsiders.
In our second installment we will explore some possible solutions, supporting these in techniques or methodologies that we consider practical and easy to implement but that require a good level of self-knowledge and determination to modify behaviors.
Remember that Arboleda Consultores can be your best ally regarding issues related to Soft Skills training and Strategic Talent Management for your Organization.