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Writer's pictureJuan Arboleda

The loneliness of first level managers or CEOs - Delivery 2:

Before we explore some possible solutions to accompany the leader in his journey to combat what we have called The loneliness of the leader, it is important that we review the concept of the alter-ego em>.

An Alter-Ego is a concept that refers to an identity or personality different from one's own. It is an alternative "I", a representation of oneself that may have different characteristics or qualities than those normally displayed in everyday life. The term "Alter-Ego" is commonly used to describe a fictionalized, idealized, or even opposite version of oneself.

In the context of leadership and personal development, an Alter-Ego can be an imaginary figure or a real individual, such as a coach or mentor, who takes on a specific role to help a person explore different perspectives, skills, or attitudes.

The Alter-Ego, which acts as a mirror (reflection) of the person, manages to challenge and mobilize from the analysis of lived situations and their consequent questions, providing powerful feedback by generating a different approach to what could be achieved by yes only the person Very surely having an Alter-Ego will help you challenge limiting beliefs, overcome emotional obstacles and enhance personal and professional growth.

For top-level managers or CEOs, having an Alter-Ego can allow them to gain a broader view of themselves, explore their strengths and weaknesses from an outside perspective, and receive honest and direct feedback. This tool can foster self-reflection, skills development, and personal growth, helping leaders reach their full potential and improve their performance in the business arena.

Possible solutions:

a) Executive Coaches and/or Mentors: Having the collaboration of these professionals is surely a powerful tool to overcome loneliness and develop leadership skills. Experienced Coaches provide an external perspective, a different and sincere look, ensuring that your advice is developed in a safe environment or space where you can discuss and reflect on the challenges in confidence, freedom and without concerns about loss of image, managing to improve the shot. of decisions. A Coach with experience in leadership and management can act in front of the CEO as an Alter-Ego to offer a frank, direct and challenging perspective, bringing to light what no one on his team dares to tell him.

Therefore, the Coach allows the manager to see his leadership from a different perspective and obtain an objective view of his strengths and areas for improvement. In other words, the Coach helps the CEO to strengthen or develop his leadership skills and therefore to his personal and professional growth by promoting his self-reflection, strengthening his confidence, facilitating open and authentic communication that will allow him to manage better stress.

b) Strategic Networking: Joining and participating in peer groups or professional networks and their events can be a great way to connect with other top-level managers facing similar challenges. A sense of belonging to a group is achieved that partly counteracts loneliness. These groups, LinkedIn-like online communities of professionals, provide a confidential environment where leaders can share experiences, learn from one another, receive support, and make meaningful connections.

c) Development of emotional and communication skills: Strengthening emotional and communication skills is crucial for first-level managers. Training in emotional intelligence, active listening skills, constructive feedback, and effective communication can help you build strong relationships with your teams and foster an environment of trust, openness, and collaboration. Developing effective delegation skills can also allow managers to share the burden of responsibility and generate a greater sense of connection with their team. In addition, the Alter-Ego or trusted person can act as an impartial mirror, providing feedback on how the leader perceives himself and how his emotions, words and actions affect others.

Sample questions to ask the CEO:

Based on our experience as Arboleda Consultores, here are some examples of questions that an Alter-Ego can ask the CEO to accompany him in his search for solutions to loneliness from the leader:

  • How much confidence do you feel in your leadership team? Do you think they can fully understand the pressures and challenges you face as a CEO?

  • Have you considered sharing your concerns and challenges with someone you trust in your organization? Do you think you could open up to them and seek their support?

  • Is there someone on your management team with whom you feel comfortable sharing your insecurities or doubts? What obstacles prevent you from doing it?

  • What's stopping you from making stronger connections with other CEOs or business leaders in your industry? Could you explore opportunities to collaborate or establish strategic alliances?

  • How might you foster an organizational culture in which openness and vulnerability are valued? What actions could you take to build more meaningful relationships with your team and promote open communication?

  • What are your expectations of yourself as a leader? Do you think these expectations may contribute to your sense of loneliness? Are there areas where you could be more compassionate with yourself?

  • What are the barriers or personal fears that prevent you from showing humility and vulnerability in your role as CEO?

  • What do you think you would gain by allowing yourself to be more vulnerable and open up to the opinions and perspectives of others?

  • Have you considered sharing your own experiences of failure or challenges as a leader to inspire your team and build confidence?

  • What concrete actions could you take to foster a sense of belonging and emotional connection with your employees?

Remember that Arboleda Consultores can be your best ally regarding issues related to training in Soft Skills and Strategic Talent Management for your Organization.

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